Literary themed...

"Friends, Romans, countrymen! Lend me your ears!"

What better way to welcome you to our latest blog post than by referencing the Bard himself! Welcome Friends to the wild world of literary adventure that we like to call Between Friends Coffeeshop & Cafe!

We are an author-themed coffeeshop officially, but all things literary spark joy in our nerdy hearts! Why author-themed? We say why not! We needed a theme and when we thought of coffee and how introverted V and I both are, we knew books were the answer. (If I'm being honest, the credit goes to V on this one. She suggested we name our favorite drinks after literary figures and the rest was history!) Once it was agreed upon, I got to work creating recipes and figuring out what figures could lay claim to which drink. The very first drink I created was the Pablo Neruda, a brown sugar and caramel house latte. I adore Pablo Neruda's sultry poetry and the way his words dripped off the lips when read in his native tongue. Hundreds more recipes followed, but only a fraction received literary credit. (Trust me, I could have rambled on and on with them!) The international drink menu is named for spectacular authors from the motherland of said authors. Other drinks herald from works of literature themselves. Of course Roald Dahl would be a peach milkshake and why wouldn't JK Rowling be a butterbeer! Besides all things coffee, we have teas, milkshakes, lemonades, hot chocolates, smoothies, etc, on the menu!

We have millions of drink options here at Between Friends, so there is sure to be at least one to please even the pickiest of palates. Come create your own magic here with us! Is your favorite author credited on the menu? Come and find out!

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” -W.B. Yeats



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2017 Review